KBC Singapore Delta Vector

Industry: Refining & Petrochemical

Application: Feedstock Planning


An Integrated Refinery & Petrochemical Asian Major, used best-in-class software application with supporting business processes for feedstock evaluation, planning & execution.

Business Objective:

A Root Cause Analysis of Plan Vs Actual data, highlighted the gaps of how the best in class in class applications needed to be utilized via the “Integrated Analytics” approach to reduce the gap of Plan Vs Actual.


Development of “Application Tool-set” (a Validated & Calibrated Process Model being the core engine) coupled with supporting Business Process to enable the generation of LP Delta Vectors for applying in the LP Planning Model built in Aspen PIMS.


Leveraging the Operating Data & Test Run data as available from a Real-Time Database along with Design data, a first principle integrated process model was developed, validated & calibrated. Subsequently, various step out cases with different feed compositions (15+) & operating conditions as required for LP data generation was run, analyzed & integrated with the LP model.

Primary Distillation – Model Structure


GASOff gases11111
LN1Light Naphtha (NCC)11111
LH1Lt./ Hy Swing41234
HN1Hy Naphtha (Ref)11111
NK1Nap/Kero Swing41234
BTMRerun Column BTMS11111
KE1Kero/ Jet91111
HY1Kero Splitter BTMS91111
HE1Hy End (solvent)91111
HY2Hy End Splitter BTMS91111

As part of Solution Sustenance, an easy-to-use “Application Toolset” was developed & delivered for use by the LP team (less experienced on Process Models) to enable extraction of Process Model results in formats consistent with LP model requirements. The Application toolset also enabled handling independently of the delta vector generation for additional similar or new feedstocks.

Equinox designs and delivers efficient decision support systems to enable apt decision making from enterprise-wide raw data.

Unit No. 19, Electronic Estate, Pune-Satara Road, Pune, Maharashtra - 411009, INDIA.